Yeovil Half Marathon 2023 - Jennie Strugnell

Hi just thought I'd try and write a bit for the next newsletter on my Yeovil half pacing.

11 days ago a post popped up on Facebook asking if anyone would like to be the 2hr 30 min pacer for Yeovil Half Marathon on Sunday 26th March 2023.  I was adamant that I was never going to run it again after running it two times before.  I was still trying to recover from a nasty fall that I had during The Grizzly a few weeks beforehand that had resulted in really bruised ribs.   Anyway convinced by Gemma that I had 11 days and i would be ok I agreed to do it having never paced before.

The big day arrive minus and hours sleep (clocks went forward) the weather was a bit drizzly but it wasn't too cold thankfully.  Off I went to pick up my pacing flag backpack which was actually really lightweight and then met the other members of the club for a group photo.
It was then off to the start line to get into position with various people asking what the pace would be.  9am came and off we went, i quickly settled into a nice pace but was constantly watching my watch to make sure i wasn't going to fast or too slow.   I ran a good couple of miles with some fellow club members chatting as we went along,  I had to remember to watch for the low branches of the trees and road signs as the flag kept catching on them and pulling me back!!!

As we ran past Westlands I noticed a man who had been running beside me for a while, he ended up sticking with me throughout the rest of the run and he even managed a PB.

The rib was feeling ok and it was lovely to see other Running club members and familiar faces along the way.  
I knew when the hill was coming and manged to run the whole thing keeping a steady pace, downhill was a bit more tricky as my legs wanted to go a little faster than they were meant to.

The best part of Yeovil Half is the downhill bit to the finish, people were cheering and runners were desperately trying to get in before the 2.30 hr mark.  As i crossed the line I heard over the Tanoy that I was spot on with my timing and came in at 2.29.50.
I'm so pleased I offered to do it and even said I'd do it again next year!!!

Well Done everyone who took part it's such a great event.