Rules of Crewkerne Running Club

Last Modified 23th March 2023

Hon. Secretary:

Martin Cook 23 Broadshard, Crewkerne Somerset TA18 7NF

The name of the Club is Crewkerne Running Club.

The club is affiliated to the Association of Running Clubs (ARC), UKA England Athletics and Somerset County Athletic
Association. All members of the club must comply with the rules of the ARC and UKA which are laid down in the
Rules for Competition of the above.
All members of the club will be termed as ‘Attached’ when entering ARC events and therefore will not have to pay the
‘unattached’ levy to the governing body. Members need an EA competitors license for EA Permitted events to be
deemed ‘Attached’.
(a) The object of the club is the promotion of Amateur Athletics.
(b) To bring together people who enjoy running, regardless of age or ability.
(c) To cater for those who require a degree of competitiveness in their running by entering teams for various road or
cross-country events
(d) To cater for the non-competitive runner who would like company during his/her endeavours to stay fit and active.
(e) To provide an opportunity for runners (especially youngsters) to run with and obtain advice from experienced
runners, who will be on hand to assist where required.

The management of the club is vested in a committee currently of a President, Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon
Secretary, Social Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Captain, Vice Captain and Training Run organiser; all to be elected
annually, five to form a quorum.
The committee has the power to fill any vacancy which may arise and co-opt additional members.

(a) Membership of the club is confined to Amateurs as defined by the above organisations.
(b) A candidate for membership must apply in writing on a form provided for the purpose and be proposed by one member, seconded by another and approved by the Committee.

(a) The relevant Annual Subscription of the Club is Payable on election and subsequently on the 1st of March in each year
(b) The committee shall have the power to expel any member whose subscription is twelve months in arrears and
inform the Hon Secretary of UKA EA for inclusion in ‘The suspension Book’ provided a months notice in writing
shall have been sent to such a member as laid down in Rule 3.

A general meeting shall be held during the month of March in every year to receive the Committee’s report and financial statement, elect Officers and Committee and deal with any other matter specified on the agenda. The Honorary Secretary must give every member 21 days notice of the meeting, and notice of any business which it is desired to place on the agenda must be given in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

The Hon. Secretary must call a special General Meeting within 14 days of receipt by him or a requisition in writing signed by ten members of the club, stating the business to be brought before such a meeting.

No alteration or addition to the rules except by an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for the
purpose. Notice of any proposed amendment must be given as provided within these rules.

(a) The official club colours shall be Red
(b) Where the selection of a team is necessary, the Club Captain will make selection. His or Her decision will be final.
(c) To qualify to compete for the club the member must comply with the First claim Status rule 4.
(d) To qualify for entry into the London Marathon UKA Club place draw a member must;
(i) Have been a fully paid up member of Crewkerne Running Club and hold a current UKA EA competitors license on or before 1st May of that year
(ii) Compete for Crewkerne Running Club as their First Claim Club.
(iii) Be in Possession of evidence of rejection from the London Marathon (normal entry draw process).
(iv) Not have won a club entry for the previous 3 years.
(v) Must have been a First Claim member of the Club for the at least the past 2 years. (vi) Must have helped out at two club events/activities in the current year.
In the event of no members meeting the above criteria, the committee will have the authority to decide on the