Code of Conduct

As a Club, members come together to participate and enjoy a common interest in running and athletics. The Code of Conduct acts as a reminder of the standards of behaviour which we should all adhere to.

This code of conduct will apply at training sessions, races and social events:

As a responsible member of Crewkerne Running Club you will:

  • Behave sensibly and with consideration for others at all times
  • Take responsibility for their own safety and not compromise the safety of others.
  • Not behave aggressively, either verbally or physically to anyone.
  • Avoid irresponsible behaviour including behaviour which that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical or sexual abuse.
  • Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.
  • Demonstrate inclusive and equitable attitudes and behaviours.
  • Not engage in racial harassment (intimidation or bullying).
  • Respect the authority of a run leader or coach
  • Avoid destructive behaviour, be aware of the environment, do not litter.
  • Do not carry or consume alcohol or illegal substances.
  • Avoid carrying any items which could be dangerous to yourselves or others.
  • Recognise the importance of team spirit congratulate and support fellow athletes
  • Pay your annual club subs promptly
  • Promote a good image of Crewkerne Running Club
  • Will inform the Club Welfare Office of any concerns or anything that makes you uncomfortable or if you think that a fellow athlete has suffered from misconduct (any information provides will be treated in confidence)
  • Promote the club in a positive light in the local community.
  • Treat all members equally and with the utmost respect and fairness regardless of ability, gender or social, ethnic, religious or cultural background.
  • Will have fun and enjoy yourself

When participating in or attending any athletics activities, including club runs, training/coaching sessions and competition events you will:

  • Demonstrate the behaviours above
  • Where possible make sure that you have your ICE Tag detailing your emergency contacts and any medical conditions e.g. diabetes or epilepsy
  • Pay attention when Club announcements are made
  • Make sure you warm up before and cool down after sessions, run leaders will encourage this but it is a personal responsibility of all to ensure they are prepared for sessions
  • Take equal responsibility for ensuring that no runners are left behind at the back of the group and the faster runners should loop to the back of the group when requested by the run leader
  • Follow the Highway Code while training and not take unnecessary risks with traffic
  • Make sure you are wearing the correct kit for training. T-shirt or vest and shorts, a sweatshirt or tracksuit and a pair of trainers. Waterproof clothing if it rains and warm and dry clothing if required
  • Should wear fluorescent vests or other suitable clothing to ensure they can be clearly seen when dark.
  • should not wear headphones for safety and communication with others.
  • inform your run leader if you have any injuries or medical issues prior to starting.
  • Inform your run leader if you pick up an injury during a training session and need to head home.
  • Will wear club colours when competing in races
  • Will make sure that the rules and regulations set down by the race organisers (including transfers and deferrals) are followed.

Committee members and run leaders:

  • Should demonstrate the behaviours above
  • Deal with complaints or concerns promptly and with sensitivity, integrity and in a confidential manner, as per the club’s discipline procedures.
  • Ensure that any persons working or volunteering with the club have had the required qualifications, checks and/or training to fulfil their role.

Social Media

Comments made on our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and/or website) should not be abusive, offensive, derogatory or bring the club into disripute. The Committee reserve the right to delete these posts and exclude the author. The Club recognises that many runners make use of social media in a personal capacity, while they are not acting on behalf of Crewkerne Running Club, members must be aware that they could risk damaging our reputation if these are not appropriate.

Inclusion Policy

The club is a welcoming environment and makes all reasonable adjustments to enable everybody to take part and promote change in attitudes and perceptions towards the characteristics protected under the Equality Act (2010).

The club will endeavour that everyone feels:

  • Welcome
  • Represented
  • Included in decision making
  • Able to participate
  • Safe and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and vilification
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.

Welfare Policy, Safeguarding & Complaints Procedure

Members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the club Welfare Officers or other members of the club committee.

Crewkerne Running Club (“CRC”) abide by the UKA, England Athletics Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, the links to which can be found below

UK Athletics and HCAF Adult Safeguarding Policy (

If there is a cause for concern or complaint by a club member or a member of the public, concerning the behaviour, welfare or action of a club member or a person acting on behalf of the club then this must be brought to the attention of the Welfare Officer in accordance with the Complaints Procedure.